Mental decline is one of the most feared aspects of growing older. People will do just about anything to prevent it, from swallowing supplements touted as memory boosters to spending hours solving Sudoku and crossword puzzles. But do these things really keep the aging brain sharp? The short answer is, […]
When cold hands, feet are a medical issue
No matter the season, if the temperature around you is colder than your body temperature, your hands and feet may feel cold even indoors. Normal body temperature is around 98.6 degrees, but most buildings are kept around 68 to 70 degrees, said Dr. Steven Goldberg, chairman of the Public Education […]
County Health Department offers back-to-school immunizations
The summer has just begun, but it’s not too early to start thinking about back-to-school vaccinations for your kids. The Westchester County Health Department will be offering back-to-school immunizations to students who qualify at the county clinic in White Plains. Call the Health Department at 995-5800 to find out if […]
Build more movement into your day
Get up and moving, because a sedentary lifestyle is taking a toll on your health. Sitting in front of a screen for hours may be productive from a work perspective but it brings negative health outcomes, from an increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes to an […]
The best exercise for women over 65
It’s no secret that as people age it often gets more difficult to move freely, but consider this statistic: 1 in 4 women over 65 is unable to walk two blocks or climb a flight of stairs, according to a new study from researchers at UC San Diego published in […]